Schüler, die jeder kennt

Die Schule kommt mir manchmal vor wie eine Irrenanstalt. Ich habe einige von den Irren aufgelistet und bin gespannt wieviele ihr in eurer Klasse wiedererkennen könnt.


Der Streber

Wir kennen ihn alle. Er hat immer alle Hausaufgaben, zeigt jedes mal brav auf und lässt damit alle anderen Schüler dumm dastehen. Meistens ist dieser Typ von Schüler auch daran zu erkennen, dass er am Ende der Stunde noch diesen Satz bringt: "Sie haben vergessen die Hausaufgaben abzusammeln!".

Der professionelle Schummler

Egal ob Test, Schularbeit oder Prüfung, der professionelle Schummler ist auf alles vorbereitet. Entweder oldschool mit Stichwörtern auf der Hand oder mit dem Smartphone schummeln - er hat die nötigen skills, um jeden Test positiv zu schreiben. 

Der Pessimist

Der Pessimist ist derjenige, der einfach immer rumheult, weil er "zu 100 % einen Fetzen auf den Test bekommen wird" und am Ende der Einzige mit einem Einser ist. U kidding?

Der Glückspilz

Dieser Schüler besitzt in den meisten Fällen weder ein Federpenal, noch einen Block, noch sonst etwas, dass er in der Schule gebrauchen könnte. Er macht keine Hausaufgaben und lernt auch nicht wirklich, doch kommt er durch und schafft das Jahr. Läuft bei ihm.

Das Model

Sie ist jeden morgen um 8 Uhr schon top gestylt mit frisch geglätteten Haaren, Eyeliner on fleek (für die Pensionisten unter euch: "on fleek" heißt so viel wie "sitzt", "steht" ihr) und Highlighter brighter than my future (Nochmal Internet-Sprech, ihr Opis)


Der Lehrerliebling

Jeder kennt das. Dieser eine Mitschüler ist die ganze Zeit am Handy oder am Tratschen und wird nicht bestraft, weil er der Liebling der Lehrer ist. Doch sobald du nur einen Blick auf die Uhrzeit auf deinem Bildschirm werfen möchtest, wird sofort dein Handy abkassiert.

Das Phantom

Er ist sowas wie eine Legende, einige Lehrer haben ihn noch nie gesehen, manche Schüler auch noch nicht. Man weiß gar nicht, wieso er noch an der Schule angemeldet ist, doch wenn er kommt, dann erst in der dritten Stunde und geht irgendwann im Laufe des Tages wieder.

Das Arschloch

Und zu guter Letzt... Jeder kennt ihn und jeder hasst ihn:

Der, der immer eine Mauer aus Schulsachen um sich herum baut und so gut wie möglich mit seiner Schulter versucht, dass ja niemand von ihm abschreiben kann.


Und, welcher Schülertyp bist du?



Despite Russia's economic crisis, no expense spared at marriage of Mikhail Gutseriev's son to a dentistry student
Russia's economy is in recession as it languishes under western sanctions and low oil prices. Three million people fell into poverty last year.

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But oligarch Mikhail Gutseriev didn't seem to be feeling the pinch as he shelled out millions of dollars for his son's weekend wedding in Moscow, which featured foreign stars such as Sting, Jennifer Lopez and Enrique Iglesias.

Gutseriev, estimated by Forbes to be worth $6.2bn (£4.3bn), owns assets including the oil company Russneft and has also written songs for famous Russian singers. It was little wonder, then, that he brought in top performers for the wedding on Saturday of his Oxford-educated 28-year-old son, Said, to 19-year-old Khadija Uzhakhova, a dentistry student from the Gutserievs' ethnic homeland of Ingushetia.

J-Lo reportedly performed choreographed hits with a troupe of dancers, at one point joking that pronouncing the bride and groom's names was "the hardest thing I had to do today". She has commanded up to $1.4m for similar performances in the past.

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Sting, who served as the de facto wedding band with songs such as Message in a Bottle and Every Breath You Take, was photographed holding a bouquet and talking to a slightly awkward-looking Said. Other performers included Iglesias, French star Patricia Kaas and Russian singer Alla Pugachyova.

About 600 guests, including the Ingushetian president, Yunus-Bek Yevkurov, attended the celebration at the upscale Safisa restaurant, which was covered floor-to-ceiling with elaborate flower arrangements that Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper reported cost about $200,000. The bride was bedecked with diamonds and wore a custom-beaded Elie Saab gown, which can reportedly cost up to £18,000. The nine-tiered wedding cake was topped with a Muslim crescent moon and star.

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A second wedding celebration in London this weekend will also feature famous singers, according to Russian media reports.

The impoverished Ingushetia has the highest unemployment of any region in Russia, and media noted that the wedding probably cost more than the region's planned expenditures this year on health care and education.

Many social media users were disgusted by the extravagance, with one uploading a video of the elder Gutseriev advising Russians to "start saving on everything".

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When it comes to fashion, most men could care less. Shopping? Same thing. Makeup? Not interested. But when it comes to how sexy a woman looks when she's all done up or just chilling in her sweatpants, men are all ears, or eyes we should say—they're visual creatures, what do you expect? They don't care about the hottest new fashion trends or how much a tank top opportunity cost (well, sort of), as long as it looks good on a woman and hugs her curves in all the right places, it's good enough for them. Common though, where's the fun in that? Men have to have a look they love on a gal, right? Here's what we concluded after careful consideration:
1. Men Love Women in a T-Shirt and Tight Jeans
Turns out the casual, au natural look isn't so bad after all. "It's sexy and shows off the curves, but still leaves things to the imagination," says Rafael, an LA based designer. Emma from UK would also have to agree, noting that her husband prefers her most when she's wearing boyfriend jeans, a t-shirt and no makeup.
2. Men Don't Love Women in Clothes That Look Like They Cost More than Their Car
What!? Guys don't love Chanel?!?! "Although it may look good," says Dan, a Manhattan based comedian, "it will make most heterosexual, down to earth men run the other way." Hmm, we guess high maintenance isn't really their thing?jeans for men
3. Different Is Good
"A different or unique outfit reflects a confident woman who is sure of herself," says Andrew Schrage, Editor of the Money Crashers personal finance blog. "Even if it's not the most physically attractive outfit, the thought behind it can be mentally stimulating," Awesome, we love this! Is this outfit too different?
4. Body-Con Dresses Are Great
No surprise here—guys love anything that's form fitting!
5. Yoga Pants Are Probably the Best
We kind of have to agree…they do make our tushes look good! "I don't know when they became an acceptable thing to wear out, but I'm just glad they did," says Mike of NC.
6. Oh, and High Heels Are Super Sexy as Well
This one goes without saying. Every guy loves a woman in high heels!


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