What I learned in music school

The music school I went to was great. In music school you can meet lots of good musicians and those people can teach you how to play instruments. I learned how to play the violin. I played the violin for 4 years and it was great. I started playing when I was nine years old, because it is a beautiful instrument.  In music school the principal can organize events or concerts so that we could play instruments in front of people. And we have a little class room where we learned how to read musical notes. They teach you about notes and then they ask you some questions. If you start going to music school then you first have to know about music notes and then choose what instrument you want to play. I stopped going to the music school because I was moving to Wien three months ago. I miss music school in Bosnia and the concerts where I played. But I will start again going to a music school here in Austria.


Luka ist 13 Jahre alt und besucht die 4d der WMS der Loquaiplatz. Luka ist noch nicht so lange in Österreich, kann aber perfektes Englisch - deshalb durfte er ausnahmsweise auf englisch schreiben.

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